Student Life
Have questions about anything outside of class and your enrolment? This is the section for you.
Support at Wintec
Think you might need a bit of help while you're studying at Wintec? Check out our wide range of services here.
Academic Support
Need learning help? Click here for information on academic support and study resources.
Software Support
Contains sections for CRM 2013/2015, Office365, SharePoint, Lync and TechOne
Academic Applications
Contains sections on Arion, Timetable.Net, Moodle, Online Attendance Register, Student Allocator and the Distance Lea...
Staff Support
Staff knowledge base articles and information on accounts and passwords
Laptops - Wintec and Staff Owned
A forum for our staff who have a laptop. Come here for help, guides and updates.
For any enrolment and first day at Wintec information, click here.
Need help with log-ins, computers, and technology around campus? This area is for you.
Find out more about scholarships, Studylink and student loans, hardship grants, and other financial matters in this a...