You can get library fines when:
- an item has been recalled from you and you didn't return it by the new date
- you haven't returned an item which is due and you still have it out
If your fines are more than $10 or you have items which have been overdue for 10 days, you won't be able to take out library resources until you have paid.
If the library has recalled a borrowed item and you haven't returned it on time, you won't be able to borrow any items until you have returned the recalled item. You will also be fined $3 per day per item until the item is returned.
If you have lost books or other library material, you won't be able take anything out from the library until you return, replace or pay for the lost items. The debt recovery process will begin once you have items that have a lost status.
For more information you can read more about avoiding fines, borrowing from the library and how to pay your library fines.
If you have any questions please email or pop in and see us at the City or Rotokauri Library
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