If your programme includes a paper that is very similar (e.g. at the same or higher level) to a course you have already completed - either all or part of a different programme or prior to studying at Wintec, you may be eligible for a Transfer of Credit (TOC)
What are the different TOC applications?
External TOC
External TOC is the process of assessing and awarding credit towards a Wintec and/or a New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) National/New Zealand qualification. This is based on past formal and informal learning.
Internal TOC
Internal TOC refers to credit transferred from one Wintec qualification to another, or to New Zealand Qualification Framework (NZQF) assessment standards achieved at any NZ tertiary institution (recorded on a student’s NZQA Record of Achievement) that can be credited towards a Wintec programme of study.
Where do I apply?
You can return a completed External TOC Application Form and additional documents to:
In person at: the Student Enrolment and Information Centre (SEIC) at either of the City or Rotokauri Campuses
Email to: academicservices@wintec.ac.nz
Post to: SEIC, Wintec, Private Bag 3036, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240
When can I apply?
Please apply for a TOC as early as you can so that Wintec has enough time to complete the assessment and give you an outcome prior to the course starting.
For more information on the TOC process and the documents required with your application, please read the application form.
Once the application form and additional documents have been received, we will assess your application and let you know the outcome. There is no application fee and you can apply for multiple papers on the one form.
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