Student Loans
A student loan can help you pay for your Wintec course fees, but it is a loan that you must pay back.
To receive a student loan you need to be :
- enrolled on a Wintec course
- studying full-time or limited full-time, or meet StudyLink’s requirements for part-time study
- under 55 when your course starts, for course-related costs and living costs borrowing – there’s no upper age limit for course fees borrowing
- a New Zealand citizen, or meet residency requirements.
If you get a student loan, you’ll need to pass at least half the work of your previous study to get it again.
Student Allowances
A student allowance can help you with your living costs while you are studying, and you do not have to pay this back.
To receive a student allowance you need to:
- Be 18 or over (some 16 and 17-year-olds can also get it)
- Under 65 when your course starts
- Study full-time (or limited full-time with StudyLink’s approval)
- Be at secondary school or on a tertiary course approved by the Tertiary Education Commission
- a New Zealand citizen, or meet residency requirements.
There are other allowances and benefits you may be entitled to. For more information on these, Student Loans and/or Student Allowances, check out the StudyLink website or contact StudyLink on 0800 88 99 00.
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